Approved training courses

Training provider course approval application form

Approval of training courses by the Royal Society of Chemistry is a process of peer review involving members that are experts in their field. This process provides assurances to customers that an approved course has been independently verified to be of high quality and suitable for professional development. Approved courses are listed on a database accessible to both members and non-members.

Before completing this form please refer to the criteria and guidelines document below. Once you have submitted a request for approval of a training course you will be contacted by email or phone to discuss the supporting information required and fee payment. Please note that if you wish to apply for approval of several training courses at the same time, you should submit a new approval request for each course.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we would expect all of our training providers to follow the latest government guidelines at all times for the safe delivery of their training courses.


Training provider details

Name of the company providing the training *
Home page of your company website(e.g. *
Primary email address for this course *
Primary phone number for this course


Full company address

Training course details

Full course title *
Web page where customers can book this course(e.g. *

Teaching method *
Level of course *
Language *

Venue of this course
City this course is being held



Short description Enter a short description of the course (max. 255 characters)
Long description Enter the full description of the course (max. 4000 characters) *
Additional information Enter any additional information e.g. is lunch or accommodation provided. (max. 255 characters)
Course prerequisites Enter any prerequisites required to attend the course e.g. Chemistry A-level (max. 255 characters)