The 20th RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group (CBBG) Firbush Conference

20 September 2024 12:00 - 22 September 2024 13:00, Killin, United Kingdom

The theme of the 20th RSC Chemical Biology and Bio-Organic Group (CBBG) meeting is ‘Shaping the Future’ and the meeting is intended to cover a broad range of chemical biology and bio-organic chemistry. 
This 3-day meeting is a showcase for Early Career academics and industry professionals. It provides an opportunity to network between established and younger scientists (fellows, new lecturers or industry professionals within 5-years of appointment). As the Firbush venue has limited capacity (~40), attendance will be restricted. It is anticipated that about two-thirds of those attending will be able to give short seminars (~20 mins), which will be selected from submitted abstracts.

The programme will start late afternoon on Friday 20th September and finish after lunch time on Sunday 22nd September. Plenary lectures are scheduled for Friday and Saturday evenings from Prof. John Sutherland (LMB, Cambridge), Prof. Sabine Flitsch (University of Manchester) and Prof. Andrew Jamieson (University of Glasgow), who will deliver the 2023 RSC CBBG Award Lecture   (
The meeting is co-Chaired by Prof. Stephen Wallace (University of Edinburgh), Dr Amanda Jarvis (University of Edinburgh) and Dr Hannah Bolt (AstraZeneca). 
Attendance will be on a competitive basis and chosen from submitted abstracts. Applications are welcome from Post Docs, Early Career academics, Fellows and Industrial professionals and abstracts should be prepared using the template provided. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 10th May 2024. Successful applicants will be notified shortly afterwards, at which time a link to register will be shared and the registration system opened for others who wish to attend.

Firbush is the field centre for the University of Edinburgh and is situated in fabulous scenery in the southern highlands at the end of Loch Tay. The nearest town is Killin (post code: FK21 8SU). To enjoy the wonderful surroundings, Saturday afternoon is left free for walking, windsurfing, sailing, mountain biking, golfing etc. Further information can be found at:
( As a field centre, the accommodation is "basic" with four people per room in bunk-beds or in new self-catering lodges on-site (14 people total). Alternative hotel accommodation can be found if required at the nearby town of Killin.
The event runs on a not-for-profit basis and the cost of attending is £320 (includes 2 nights B&B and catering for the weekend, including a conference dinner on Saturday evening) and £220 for those not staying at Firbush (includes activities, catering and the conference dinner). The cost also includes return travel from Edinburgh Waverley train station. 
Please do not hesitate to contact the organisers if you have any questions regarding the meeting: Prof. Stephen Wallace ( and Dr Hannah Bolt ( 
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
Kindly sponsored by RSC Chemical Biology
Firbush Conference Centre

Firbush Conference Centre, Firbush Conference Centre, Firbush Outdoor Centre, Firbush Point, Killin, FK21 8SU, United Kingdom

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