Our latest EES family news
Exceptional research in batteries, energy storage, solar energy and photovoltaics now has a dedicated home with the Royal Society of Chemistry.
EES Batteries and EES Solar are coming soon to be a part of the EES journal family, which is known for delivering outstanding publications. This is where progress begins.
Energy and Environmental Science
A journal linking all aspects of the chemical, physical and biotechnological sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science.
Editorial Board Chair: Jenny Nelson Impact Factor: 32.5
Scope in brief:
This is an international journal for the publication of important, high-quality, agenda-setting research relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science.
EES Batteries
Exceptional research on batteries and energy storage.
Editor in Chief: Qiang Zhang
More information coming soon!
EES Catalysis
Exceptional research on energy and environmental catalysis.
Editorial Board Chair: Shizhang Qiao
Gold open access, APCs waived until mid-2025
Scope in brief:
EES Catalysis is a premier gold open access journal high-quality experimental and theoretical catalysis research for energy and environmental applications. As a multi-disciplinary platform, we welcome exceptional catalysis research from all related subject areas including chemistry, materials science and engineering.
EES Solar
Exceptional research on solar energy and photovoltaics.
Editor in Chief: Michael Saliba
More information coming soon!