The Environmental Chemistry Group (ECG) is one of the RSC’s many Interest Groups. Interest Groups are member-led groups, which exist to benefit RSC members, and the wider chemical science community, and to meet the requirements of the RSC’s strategy and charter.
The Environmental Chemistry Group (ECG) considers all aspects of the complex relationships between chemistry and the environment. The ECG aims to understand the behaviour of chemical species in the water, soil and atmospheric environments; exploring their sources, reactions, transport and in particular their effects on each of these environments. Chemicals may be of natural, anthropogenic, biogenic or geochemical origin.
- To promote the interests and expertise of members.
- To facilitate scientific discussion relating to environmental chemistry.
- To provide expert advice both within the RSC and externally.
- Publication of the biannual ECG Bulletin, which is available online.
- The Distinguished Guest Lecture (DGL) & Symposium, at which a number of invited speakers address a specific topic for a general audience, in support of the DGL award to an eminent figure in the field.
- The group also organises meetings and events of more specialist interest. Recent events have included:
-NERC - Into the Blue, interactive education event
-Inside the Engine - From Chemistry to Human Health
-Environmental Chemistry of Water, Sediment and Soil: Early Career Research meeting
-Advances in the analysis of complex environmental matrices
-Masters of Disaster Public Lecture in collaboration with Science Oxford
We are always looking for new members who are keen to become involved and to help organise our activities. If you would like to find out more please contact the Secretary of the Environmental Chemistry Group using the form below.
We encourage you to connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (@RSC_ECG).
How to Join
RSC members can join the Environmental Chemistry Group by updating their details in the “My communities and subscriptions” tab of the online RSC membership area. Please click here to login and add to your list of Interest Groups.
Quick links
Distinguished Guest Lecture
Our main activity is the Distinguished Guest Lecture (DGL) and accompanying symposium.
ECG Website
The latest news from the Environmental Chemistry Group and a searchable record of all articles from the ECG Bulletin from 2007
ECG Bulletin
The ECG produces two issues per year of its newsletter, the ECG Bulletin
Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division
ESED is open to all members of the RSC as a society wide grouping to represent environmental and related activities.
Forthcoming events
Forthcoming events organised by the Environmental Chemistry Group.
Contact the Secretary
For further information on the Environmental Chemistry Group you can contact the Secretary, Mrs Laura Alcock BSc CChem MRSC.
Support for interest groups
Useful information and resources for all RSC interest groups.
The Environmental Chemistry Group (ECG) Committee is made up of members from both academia and industry. Each committee member is assigned a specific role so that ECG members can easily access someone for specific information on a Group activity. Suggestions from members for topics for future ECG meetings are also particularly welcome.
Dr Rowena Fletcher MRSC
Dr Valerio Ferracci MRSC
Full details of our current committee are available on the ECG website.