Matthew Fuchter is a Professor of Chemistry, an EPSRC Established Career Fellow, co-Director of the Centre for Drug Discovery Science and co-Director of the MRes in Drug Discovery in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London (ICL). He is also a Founder, Non-Executive Director and the Head of Chemistry at NK:IO Ltd.
Professor Fuchter leads a diverse research group that aims to develop chemistry-led approaches to interrogate function in molecules, materials and medicines. Much of his research is multidisciplinary, which is reflected by his contributions to many multidisciplinary centres of excellence at Imperial College. For example, he is a Theme Champion for the Emerging Technologies Theme at UCL's Centre for Processable Electronics, and he is a member of over eight multidisciplinary centres/networks including the Institute of Chemical Biology and the London Centre for Nanotechnology.
His awards include the Royal Society of Chemistry's Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize (2014), the Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award (2018), and the Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in the United Kingdom (2020), conferred by the Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Sciences.
He is an advocate for the development of chemistry-led approaches in multidisciplinary science and the power of organic chemistry to innovate new solutions. He was formally an Elected Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Organic Division Council and is currently the UK representative to the EuCheMS Division of Organic Chemistry. He is also an Editorial Board Member for the journals RSC Medicinal Chemistry (formally MedChemComm) and Chirality.