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EMBL–Wellcome Genome Campus Conference: Big Data in Biology and Health

25 September 2016 11:15 - 27 September 2016 18:15, Heidelberg, Germany

Individualised medicine based on patient genomes will have an enormous impact on healthcare. With breakthroughs in DNA sequencing technology, the number of sequenced genomes could reach >1 Million within 5–10 years. The simultaneous generation and integration of this associated molecular and clinical data will provide an unprecedentedly rich set of “big data” for basic research and translation. Integration of these data will provide new research opportunities, for example, through the identification of novel biomarkers or by enabling the identification of causal relationships in molecular biology through analysing complex datasets, but will also come with significant technical and bioethical challenges.
EMBL Advanced Training Centre

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Meyerhofstraße 1, Heidelberg, 69117, Germany

Organised by
EMBL Heidelberg
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+49 6221 387 8797
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