Issue 12, 2002

Mechanism and reactivity in perborate oxidation of anilines in acetic acid


Perborate but not percarbonate in acetic acid generates peracetic acid on standing and the peracetic acid oxidation of anilines is fast. The oxidation with a fresh solution of perborate in acetic acid is smooth and second order but the specific oxidation rate increases with increasing [perborate]0 or [boric acid]. Perborate on dissolution affords hydrogen peroxide and a borate; the latter assists the former in the oxidation. The oxidation rates of anilines under identical conditions do not conform to any of the linear free energy relationships but the reaction rates of molecular anilines do. Perborate oxidation proceeds via two reaction paths but the overall oxidation rates of molecular anilines conform to structure–reactivity relationships; the transition states do not differ significantly. Analysis of the oxidation rates of perborate and percarbonate reveals that while perborate oxidation is faster than percarbonate it is at least as selective as the latter.

Graphical abstract: Mechanism and reactivity in perborate oxidation of anilines in acetic acid

Article information

Article type
21 Aug 2002
13 Sep 2002
First published
15 Oct 2002

J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2002, 2011-2018

Mechanism and reactivity in perborate oxidation of anilines in acetic acid

C. Karunakaran and R. Kamalam, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2002, 2011 DOI: 10.1039/B208199G

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