Issue 33, 2006

Electron beam lithographically-defined scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy probes: fabrication method and application to high resolution imaging on heterogeneously active surfaces


This paper describes in detail the use of electron beam lithography (EBL) to successfully batch microfabricate combined scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy (SECM-AFM) probes. At present, the process produces sixty probes at a time, on a 1/4 of a three-inch wafer. Using EBL, gold triangular-shaped electrodes can be defined at the tip apex, with plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited silicon nitride serving as an effective insulating layer, at a thickness of 75 nm. The key features of the fabrication technique and the critical steps are discussed. The capability of these probes for SECM-AFM imaging in both tapping and constant distance mode is illustrated with dual topographical–electrochemical scans over an array of closely-spaced 1 μm diameter Pt disc electrodes, held at a suitable potential to generate an electroactive species at a transport-limited rate. As highlighted herein, understanding diffusion to heterogeneous electrode surfaces, including array electrodes, is currently topical and we present preliminary data highlighting the use of SECM-AFM as a valuable tool for the investigation of diffusion and reactivity at high spatial resolution.

Graphical abstract: Electron beam lithographically-defined scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy probes: fabrication method and application to high resolution imaging on heterogeneously active surfaces

Article information

Article type
24 Apr 2006
19 May 2006
First published
31 May 2006

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006,8, 3909-3914

Electron beam lithographically-defined scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy probes: fabrication method and application to high resolution imaging on heterogeneously active surfaces

P. S. Dobson, J. M. R. Weaver, D. P. Burt, M. N. Holder, N. R. Wilson, P. R. Unwin and J. V. Macpherson, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 3909 DOI: 10.1039/B605828K

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