Issue 3, 2003

Infrared-assisted eco-friendly selective synthesis of diindolylmethanes


An alternative and environmentally benign pathway for selective synthesis of aryl-3,3′-diindolylmethanes from indole and several aromatic aldehydes is described. The electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reactions are achieved with good yield and short reaction time employing infrared irradiation as energy source and a bentonitic clay as catalyst and reaction medium, in solvent-free reaction conditions.

Graphical abstract: Infrared-assisted eco-friendly selective synthesis of diindolylmethanes

Article information

Article type
08 Nov 2002
First published
08 May 2003

Green Chem., 2003,5, 337-339

Infrared-assisted eco-friendly selective synthesis of diindolylmethanes

G. Penieres-Carrillo, J. G. García-Estrada, J. L. Gutiérrez-Ramírez and C. Alvarez-Toledano, Green Chem., 2003, 5, 337 DOI: 10.1039/B211011C

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