Issue 12, 2005

Molecular tectonics: coordination networks based on porphyrins bearing pyridine N-oxide groups as coordinating sites


The combination of the two positional isomers 1 and 2, porphyrin backbones bearing two pyridine N-oxide groups (PNO), with Zn(II) cations leads to 1-Zn and 2-Zn self-complementary tectons which generate in the crystalline phase analogous 1-D zigzag type coordination networks with different metrics. In both cases, only one PNO group bridges the consecutive tecton through coordination to the Zn atom which adopts the square based pyramidal geometry.

Graphical abstract: Molecular tectonics: coordination networks based on porphyrins bearing pyridine N-oxide groups as coordinating sites

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Article information

Article type
02 Aug 2005
15 Sep 2005
First published
05 Oct 2005

New J. Chem., 2005,29, 1508-1513

Molecular tectonics: coordination networks based on porphyrins bearing pyridine N-oxide groups as coordinating sites

E. Deiters, V. Bulach, N. Kyritsakas and M. W. Hosseini, New J. Chem., 2005, 29, 1508 DOI: 10.1039/B511049C

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