Issue 22, 2008

High temperature NMR study of the local structure of molten LaF3–AF (A = Li, Na, K and Rb) mixtures


The local structures of molten lanthanum alkali fluoride binaries have been studied using HT NMR technique. The chemical shifts of 19F, 23Na and 139La in solid and in liquid have been compared for AF (A = alkali) and LaF3. In pure molten alkali fluorides, the polarisability of anion–cation pairs appears to be a key parameter to depict the observed evolution of 19F chemical shifts. The influence of the composition has also been studied by measuring the chemical shifts in molten LaF3–AF as a function of LaF3 concentration. A strong influence of the alkali influence is observed. The coordination number of lanthanum is decreased versusAF amount all the more since the alkali atomic number is high. Moreover, the more polarisable the alkali, the less bridging fluorines between the LaFx units.

Graphical abstract: High temperature NMR study of the local structure of molten LaF3–AF (A = Li, Na, K and Rb) mixtures

Article information

Article type
12 Dec 2007
20 Mar 2008
First published
23 Apr 2008

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008,10, 3222-3228

High temperature NMR study of the local structure of molten LaF3–AF (A = Li, Na, K and Rb) mixtures

A. Rollet, S. Godier and C. Bessada, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3222 DOI: 10.1039/B719158H

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