Free content for your library in 2016
We provide a wealth of free resources for your library users. Take a look below at what your library can access at no extra cost, including:
Journals currently in their free online access period
All new Royal Society of Chemistry journals have a two year free online access period. To register for institutional access please complete our registration form.
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks to showcase high quality research and innovative technologies that promote sustainable water resources.
- First issue published in January 2015
- Free to access until December 2016
Nanoscale Horizons
Nanoscale Horizons is a premier journal publishing first reports of exceptional significance across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology research.
- First issue published January 2016
- Free to access until December 2017
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering is a new journal reporting cutting edge research into all aspects of making molecules for the benefit of fundamental research, applied processes and wider society.
- First issue published January 2016
- Free to access until December 2017
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering provides a hub for cutting-edge research into how understanding of molecular properties, behaviour and interactions can be used to design and assemble better materials, systems, and processes to achieve specific functions.
- First issue published January 2016
- Free to access until December 2017
Our two open access journals
Chemical Science
Impact Factor: 9.211*
Chemical Science moved to gold open access in January 2015, becoming the world’s first high quality, gold open access chemistry journal. We have also waived article processing charges for articles published in 2016.
Chemical Science publishes original research articles of exceptional significance from across the chemical sciences. The journal helps to define the important areas by publishing the most significant cutting edge research.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice
Impact Factor: 2.091*
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners at all levels of chemistry education.
Our free to access database
A free database of over 34 million chemical structures, properties, and associated information. ChemSpider integrates data from hundreds of sources, and includes additional properties, related information, and links back to original data sources.
*2014 Journal Citation Reports ® (Thomson Reuters, June 2015)