EPSRC meet with RSC Organic Division Executive
Representatives from EPSRC came to the Chemistry Centre on Wednesday 12 October to address a special meeting of the Organic Division Executive, which included representatives of other RSC Divisions.
Clive Hayter, EPSRC Associate Director Research Base Programmes, Andrew Bourne, Head of Physical Sciences Programme, and Lesley Thompson, Director, Research Base, outlined the strategy behind the Shaping Capability Programme and the process which EPSRC staff are following to prioritise research funding. They answered a range of questions from members on topics ranging from the evidence they are using to inform their decisions, to the changes to the number of PhD studentships and the effect that this may have on our research capabilities and industry. They were able to confirm that remaining funding decisions on research areas in the Shaping Capability Programme would be made in November 2011 and March 2012, with research projects being subject to peer review under the new funding arrangements from April next year.
During the meeting, Lesley Thompson stressed the need for the engineering and physical sciences community to work together to make the case for investment in their areas of research in order to generate economic growth.
Dr Neville Reed, RSC Managing Director for Science, Education and Industry, said: "A good dialogue was established, with both sides committed to working together to put the case for investing in science."
Lesley Thompson also expressed the desire to return to the Chemistry Centre next year and meet with representatives from across the chemical sciences, once funding decisions have been taken, to fully explain their approach.
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