Applied materials chemistry for primary teachers
As a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Applied Materials Chemistry Committee, Sue Andrews is sharing her enthusiasm for chemistry with teachers.
Chemistry is all around us, but often people don’t realise just how many everyday activities involve chemistry, how almost every aspect of life is affected by it, and how our lives are enriched and enhanced by its applications.
I wanted to share my interest and enthusiasm for chemistry through a series of practical CPD (continuing professional development) workshops for primary teachers, hoping that they would later be motivated to use some of the activities to enthuse their pupils. I designed the workshops to include a circus of ten, hands-on, fun activities with clear links to the national curriculum, using readily available resources that the teachers could easily replicate in class.
I have now run two sessions, one near Chester and the other in North Wales. My next session will be in May at a school in Wirral. I intend to ask the head to invite other teachers from neighbouring schools.
I began the sessions with a brief presentation highlighting that chemistry is all around us. We discussed the importance of equipping pupils with the scientific knowledge and practical skills to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
The activities included making and testing toothpaste recipes; making the best bubble and bubble bath mixtures; producing chocolate volcanoes and looking at the changes occurring when chocolate melts; comparing the runniness of various liquids; comparing disposable nappies and measuring how much water each can hold; discovering how coatings can affect the dissolving rate of tablets; investigating emulsions and suspensions; and looking at how the size of particles in the active ingredient in sunscreens is vitally important to ensure effectiveness.
The workshops were very well received by the teachers and we all had lots of fun. I was thrilled with the feedback I received. The schools involved are intending to use the activities in science weeks and at events to involve parents in their children’s learning. I now intend to offer the CPD to more primary schools in my region, inspiring teachers to use applied materials chemistry to enthuse budding young scientists.
The professional development for all teaching staff today has provided an invaluable opportunity to explore the possibilities of using everyday household chemicals to investigate changes, reactions and solutions. We can't wait to use our learning today to inspire our children in the classroom with chemistry.
A great variety of chemistry investigations and experiments for us to use. It is great to know where to find the resources online too. We are looking forward to using them in our Science week. Lots of hands on, practical, real-life learning! Thank you.
Resources for teachers
Download exciting activities for primary children, including Water – a global experiment on hydrogels, and Mission Starlight – a global experiment on UV protection for astronauts, on the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Learn Chemistry website.
Visit STEM Learning to find activities for bringing applications of the chemical and manufacturing industry into the classroom.
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