Take part in the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists
The 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists (ESEC2) is now open, and we’d like to encourage everyone in our community to take part.
Commissioned by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in 2013, the survey is strongly supported by EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences). Over 4000 chemical scientists, across 90% of EuCheMS member organisations, took part in the first survey in 2013.
The survey collects detailed information on the professional status of European chemists and on their training and education.
For example the 2013 survey yielded some interesting data on where chemists work. Most work in the manufacturing industry (32%), with research institutes (19%) and HE institutions (17%) coming in second and third place, respectively. Among those working in industry the biggest employer was the chemical industry, followed by healthcare technologies, food industries, biotechnology and mining metals and minerals.
EuChemS can use data like this to help chemists make informed decisions about their career choices.
Take part in ESEC2
In the 2013 EuCheMS survey the UK provided the second highest number of survey respondents and we’d like to be just as well represented in 2017. It only takes around 10 minutes to complete and is open until the end of March.
Pay and Rewards
In June we will once again be conducting our Pay and Rewards survey. This complements the ESEC2, focussing on salaries and complete packages given to employers, and collecting data on worker’s satisfaction in their current role.
In combination with the ESEC2’s focus on education and training, our survey provides an unparalleled resource for UK and European chemical scientists looking for information in managing their careers.
For more information and advice on managing your career, please contact our Career Management Team.
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